Git is one of the essential tools for a developer, the first thing anyone wanting to start a coding journey should learn, as emphasized in the New Developer? You should’ve learned Git yesterday article from Brandon Morelli.

In this article, I will not talk about what git is, or why you should use it. Instead, I will show you how you can be more efficient using it thanks to aliases.

In the following sections, I go through all my aliases, why and how I use them. If you are in a hurry, you can go directly to the last section or to my github config files repository to have the complete list of them.

Basic Shortcuts

The first step of laziness. These aliases will shorten the number of characters you type. The one I use the most is co for checkout. I have defined other ones but don’t use them that much, I prefer their variants which I will present later. Meanwhile, here is a list of classic aliases that I configured.

co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status

More interestingly, you can also use this kind of shortcut to create new commands. The two ones I use a lot are for branch management.

nb = checkout -b  # create a new branch
del = branch -D  # delete a branch

These allow you to create a new branch and checkout on it by typing git nb <branch-name>, or to delete one by typing git del <branch-name>.

Enhanced Shortcuts

I find some default behaviors of git quite annoying.

For instance, you need to set the name of the remote branch when you first push it, whereas I think I rarely come across the situation where I want this name to be different from the one of my local branch.

To avoid doing this every time, I use an alias, git p, that pushes the branch while setting the upstream branch to the same name.

# push to the same branch name
p = !git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)

When I commit, I usually want to stage all my modifications, and of course, add a message to my commit. I have set an alias allowing me to do this all at once: git c “<my-commit-message>” . If I want to commit a work in progress, I do git wip, which commits everything with WIP as a message.

# stage and commit all the changes
c = !git add --all && git commit -m
# stage and commit all the changes with WIP as a commit message
wip = !git add --all && git commit -m 'WIP'

Finally, I have a git drop alias to get rid of everything I did since the last commit.

# drop current changes
drop = !git reset --hard HEAD  

Status helpers

I have a couple of aliases to give me some information about the current state of my repository.

The first one is git state. It fetches the remote repository (while removing deleted distant branches and fetching tags, some default behaviors of git I don’t understand), and then display local branches status using the verbose mode.

The other one is git ll <n>. It lists the n last commits of the current branch on one line.

# give a quick look at the state of the repo
state = !git fetch --prune && git fetch --tags && clear && git branch -vv && git status
# list the n last commits
ll = !git log --oneline -n

Rebasing helpers

My git workflow is based on a clean history, with one and only one commit for each feature or fix of the application (following conventional commits specification), and no merge commits.

Unfortunately, while this gives a clean history, it also means using a lot of rebasing and having to force push on your repository.

To do so, I have the forced version of the push presented before, git fp. I also added an alias to amend everything in the current commit, git amend. The combination of those two is git afp, for amend and force push, redoubtably efficient.

# force push to the same branch name
fp = !git push origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -f
# amend everything in the current commit
amend = !git add --all && git commit --amend --no-edit
# amend and force push
afp = !git amend && git fp

To be more efficient in managing rebasing, I have set several aliases.

The first one, git rom (for rebase on main), rebases the current branch on the main branch of the remote repository (after fetching it).

Then there is git rh (for reset hard), which can be seen as a force pull, and resets the current branch with the remote one.

Finaly, git ri (for **r**ebase **i**nteractive) allows an interactive rebasing of the n last commits by typing `git ri `.

# rebase on main origin branch                                                     
rom = !git fetch --all && git rebase $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD)
# reset the branch to the distant one
rh = !git fetch && git reset --hard origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# interactive rebasing
ri = "!f() { git rebase -i HEAD~$1; }; f"

But how to set these aliases?

You can set an alias with the config command of git, e.g., git config --global checkout, but the easiest is to write them directly in the .gitconfig file in your home directory, in the [alias] section.

Here is the list of all my aliases presented above (plus git cp, which copies the current commit hash, handy for cherry-picking).

co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status

nb = checkout -b  # create a new branch
del = branch -D  # delete a branch

# give a quick look at the state of the repo
state = !git fetch --prune && git fetch --tags && clear && git branch -vv && git status
# list the n last commits
ll = !git log --oneline -n

# stage and commit all the changes
c = !git add --all && git commit -m
# stage and commit all the changes with WIP as a commit message
wip = !git add --all && git commit -m 'WIP'
# drop current changes
drop = !git reset --hard HEAD

# push to the same branch name
p = !git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# force push to the same branch name
fp = !git push origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -f
# amend everything in the current commit
amend = !git add --all && git commit --amend --no-edit
# amend and force push
afp = !git amend && git fp

# rebase on main origin branch
rom = !git fetch --all && git rebase $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD)
# reset the branch to the distant one
rh = !git fetch && git reset --hard origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# interactive rebasing
ri = "!f() { git rebase -i HEAD~$1; }; f"

# copy current hash in the clipboard
cp = !git rev-parse HEAD | xargs echo -n  | xclip -selection clipboard